Chair’s Challenge Series: Navigating risk

Wednesday 16 May 2018. 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm London


Navigating risk

Opportunity and risk go hand in hand. As our organisations seek to make a greater impact we may reach out to new groups, operate in new ways or try to do more with less.  And of course our environment is changing, so we have to keep adapting. We are constantly juggling opportunity and risk.

The challenge for Chairs is to guide the board to find a strategic and proportionate approach, that makes the most of the opportunities, whilst managing the risks. Too often risk management is a dull, tick box exercise, that fails to engage the trustees with the result that the board fails to really understand and manage the charity’s risks.  Alternatively there is engagement but excessive focus  on everything that could go wrong, with the organisation becoming so cautious it fails to act – which is itself a kind of risk.

This briefing and event explore how the Chair can help the board to understand and focus on the strategic risks it faces, agree its approach to managing these risks; put in place systems that give it assurance that risk is being appropriately managed, and is ready if despite your best endeavours something does go wrong.

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Wednesday 16 May 2018
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm London
Bookings are now closed for this past event