A Question of Balance

This guide helps Chairs to explore and strengthen the relationship they have with their CEO.

As Chair, building and maintaining a successful relationship with your CEO is a key part of the role. But it's not always a simple task. Each relationship is complex, dynamic and unique. It is vital that Chairs recognise the importance of the relationship and invest time, energy and effort in making it a success.
A Question of Balance - cover

What does the guide cover?

This guide:

  • identifies what is needed at key stages in the Chair-CEO relationship
  • explores nine key themes where the Chair needs to strike the right balance
  • encourages Chairs to be emotionally aware
  • offers insights from research
  • provides pointers for when things go wrong.

Who is it for?

The guide is intended primarily for Chairs, both new and highly experienced, but will also be useful to Vice Chairs, trustees, CEOs and governance advisers.

The guide has been made possible with the generous support of CCLA and Odgers Berndtson. It was first published in 2015.

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Join Association of Chairs to access this guide, along with a range of other resources, workshops and webinars. Membership costs £60-120 per year (depending on your organisation’s income). Find out more about membership.

Members can access a PDF copy here (if logged in).

How to get a print copy

Please email us if you would like to buy a print copy for £25 (+ £3.50 for postage and packing). Members receive a 20% discount.