Our new guide to the Chair-CEO relationship is out

A Question of Balance – a guide to the Chair and Chief Executive relationship – has been published.

Forging a successful relationship with your CEO is a key part of the Chair’s role. The quality of the relationship with the Chief Executive is a recurring theme in many of our conversations with Chairs and at a number of our events.

This guide aims to help those of you who have a Chief Executive or lead officer to explore and strengthen that relationship. We recognise that is no simple task. Each relationship is complex, dynamic and unique.

The guide
• Identifies what is needed at key stages in the Chair-CEO relationship
• Explores nine key themes where the Chair needs to strike the right balance
• Encourages Chairs to be self-aware and flexible
• Offers insights from existing research
• Provides pointers for when things go wrong.

Members will receive a print copy. You can download a copy here.

We hope you will read it, use it and share it.